The Iowa House Democrats have unveiled their 2025 agenda. The four-point plan amounts to a wishlist for left-wing activists and radical partisans. But the people of Warren County have an opportunity to stop this agenda by putting two conservatives in the Iowa House of Representatives and maintaining GOP leadership in the General Assembly.

In order to sell this extreme plan, House Democrats have to disparage life in the free state of Iowa, saying, “It doesn’t have to be this way.” It’s unclear what “this way” is or why it’s bad. The fact is that Iowa has enjoyed a great economy and fulfilling culture under Republican governors and legislatures. Most of the problems that Iowans do face result from the failed policies of the Biden-Harris administration, not the Republican-led state government. The dystopia that the Democrats describe does not reflect the experiences of most Iowans.

The statement claims to support public education but the details of the proposal amount to little more than throwing more tax dollars at the system. The plan will seek to “[e]nd vouchers,” likely a reference to overturning the highly successful Students First Act, which has empowered parents to do what is best for their children. The fact is that many conservatives in Warren County are very committed to the success of our public schools. 

The Democrat proposal also claims that it will “Restore Reproductive Freedom.” Of course, “reproductive freedom” is a left-wing euphemism for infanticide. The plan seeks to enshrine a radical abortion-on-demand policy in our state constitution. The statement also uses the typical Democrat scare tactics, implying without evidence that Republicans are against “infertility treatments (IVF) and birth control”.

The statement doesn’t substantively address the actual issues facing Iowans. Though the plan claims it will “Lower Costs for Iowans,” the details of the plan are vague and seem to just amount to more government intrusion. Crime and security are not mentioned at all. Instead, it advocates for the legalization of marijuana, an odd choice to place among a party’s “top four” issues. 

This Democrat plan would reverse much of the progress that Iowa has made over the last decade. But the people of Warren County can play a role in stopping it. Two conservatives are running in our county. In District 21, Representative Brooke Boden is fighting to retain her seat against a liberal college professor. Samantha Fett is running to keep District 22 in Republican control. These two races play an important role in maintaining Republican control of the House of Representatives. 

The Democrat plan illustrates the stakes in this election. It’s vitally important that conservatives keep control of our state legislature. 


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