Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Support Allowing Newborns To Die

Voting judges out of office based on the abortion issue is a matter of controversy. There should be no controversy, however, on voting against presidential or vice presidential candidates who refuse to outlaw a form of infanticide, the murder by neglect of a living baby.

It is unthinkable that any public official could take such a position. Lawfully
sanctioned infanticide is a relic of ancient barbarity and not tolerated by civilized nations.

The mind recoils with horror at the suffering of a newborn baby allowed to slowly die as it is denied hydration, nutrition, and medical care. Based on Democratic party presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ statements about
her moral values, her opposition to infanticide by neglect would appear to be self-evident.

White House

During her 2019 campaign for President,  Kamala Harris stated , “I often think of the parable of the Good Samaritan . . . Everyone knows [we need to] live and treat our neighbor as we would want to be treated. . .”

On Aug. 19, 2020,  Kamala Harris declared , in her acceptance speech for the Democratic Party’s nomination for vice president, that, “we are united by the
fundamental belief that every human being is of infinite worth, deserving of
compassion, dignity and respect.”

Six months before accepting the nomination, however, on Feb. 25, 2020,  then-Sen. Kamala Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which mandated that infants surviving a botched abortion be provided the same level of care as other infants born at the same gestational age.

Democratic Party Vice Presidential candidate Gov. Tim Walz is portrayed as “America’s Dad”  by his supporters online. Real dads protect babies. In Minnesota, during Walz’s term as governor, eight babies were born alive in failed abortions between 2019 and 2021. Despite the law requiring they be given life saving care, none were.

In 2023, Gov. Tim Walz signed legislation ending both the requirement to report such births and the requirement to provide life saving care to a baby surviving an abortion.

It is impossible to conceive how a major political party, or even a minor party, could knowingly select such candidates for president and vice president. Indeed, it is probable that these facts about Kamala Harris and Tim Walz were not widely known.

Kamala Harris’ and Tim Walz’s actions permitting infanticide for babies born alive during abortions are now known.

Animals instinctively care for their babies. Unless we choose to descend to
depravity, we cannot and should not vote for Kamala Harris for president and Tim Walz for vice president.

Donald W. Bohlken of Indianola is an attorney and a retired administrative law judge with the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals

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2 responses to “Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Support Allowing Newborns To Die”

  1. Donald W. Bohlken Avatar
    Donald W. Bohlken

    This article was originally published as a guest essay in the Des Moines Register.

    1. Tom Rothwell Avatar
      Tom Rothwell

      I don’t read the Register anymore Don, but I do find it surprising that they printed the article.

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