Crystal McIntyre touts experience on the Board of Supervisors

Crystal McIntyre is running for the District 5 seat on the Warren County Board of Supervisors. Casting herself as an experienced voice to lead the board, which will include five members for the first time, the incumbent pledges to fight for all of Warren County.

In the recent candidate forum, McIntyre described herself as “two against one, on a board of three” because she was often the lone dissenting voice when the board had only three members. In particular, she has noted her opposition to the moves and remodels of the board’s offices. “Public Health has moved into the old board offices and demolition has finished on the old PH offices that will become the new Board of Supervisor offices. Construction has begun and is supposed to be completed by the time the new board is ready for office in January.”

Describing her concerns, Crystal McIntyre said,

First and foremost, in my opinion, we could have easily used the offices we currently had with minimal remodeling by demoing several walls to make smaller offices out of our old space. The expense of construction of the new offices is not necessary but it is what we have to deal with now. Next, is the expense of furniture for those offices. We have quotes of $27,000 and another for the same furniture only better quality for $53,000 JUST for the Board of Supervisor offices! This does not include the Treasurer or the Auditor’s offices which initiated the remodel of the administration building in the first place—those offices really need more space! The cost for the construction of the Board of Supervisors new offices is $160,000—not including change orders or furniture.

McIntyre believes that it’s important to bring her conservatism back to the board. She said that Republicans control “of the board, which we have had over the last two years, needs to return to the Board of Supervisors by having strong, capable leadership to put the needs of ALL of Warren County first, not those who are really directing the Board of Supervisors.”

Crystal McIntyre

As someone who has served on the board for nearly a decade, Crystal MCintyre brings experience to the county leadership. She said, “With the potential to have 5 new board members who will need guidance in how things run, why we vote on various subjects and the impact of our votes—it is important to have experience on the Board and there are only two running with that experience, myself in District 5 and Aaron DeKock in District 2.” 

She adds that “relationships with current department heads, having a firm understanding of budgeting, and a solid footing on how to vote by doing your own research, and how to research on issues to avoid the manipulation by those who want to control the board” as among the other advantages she brings to the board.

As the Warren County Board of Supervisors transitions to a five member board, it’s important that conservatives continue to lead the county. Crystal McIntyre is one of several conservatives running and one of the few with proven experience on the board.


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