Be Fully Informed On Abortion

Regardless of how you stand on abortion, we all need to be well informed. Instead of being influenced by non-stop propaganda, we all need to go out and pursue the hard truth. What  better source than the Supreme Court. Justice Kennedy and Justice Ginsberg in a landmark case Gonzales vs.Carhart lay out the argument with absolute clarity. In less than an hour, you will learn more about this important topic. This is not a spin, and it will be very impactful on how you look at this topic and its effect on our society. 

Here is the link to the case:

If you don’t have the time to read it in its entirety, here are some select quotes. I found it disturbing that Justice Ginsberg in her dissent argues that, for of the sake of liberty, it is not the government’s obligation to “mandate our own moral code.”

Here is a portion of Ginsberg dissent in context:

 Ultimately, the Court admits that “moral concerns” are at work, concerns that could yield prohibitions on any abortion. See ante, at 28 (“Congress could … conclude that the type of abortion proscribed by the Act requires specific regulation because it implicates additional ethical and moral concerns that justify a special prohibition.”). Notably, the concerns expressed are untethered to any ground genuinely serving the Government’s interest in preserving life. By allowing such concerns to carry the day and case, overriding fundamental rights, the Court dishonors our precedent. See, e.g., Casey, 505 U. S., at 850 (“Some of us as individuals find abortion offensive to our most basic principles of morality, but that cannot control our decision. Our obligation is to define the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral code.”); Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U. S. 558, 571 (2003).

Ginsberg continues, “Because of women’s fragile emotional state and because of the bond of love the mother has for her child, the Court worries, doctors may withhold information about the nature of the intact D&E procedure.” “States are free to enact laws to provide a reasonable framework for a woman to make a decision that has such profound and lasting meaning. Never mind that the procedures deemed acceptable might put a woman’s health at greater risk.”

Vladimir Zotov / Getty Images

Please read the above paragraph again. Are doctors allowed to withhold information from pregnant mothers to “protect” her from the truth of the emotional impact? 

Justice Kennedy in his opinion takes the opposite view that the state’s regulation of morality does have a role in protecting citizens from behaviors that have negative impacts on society. The state’s role is to protect us not only from others but even ourselves when those actions cause risk to the greater whole.

In Justice Kennedy’s opinion, there is an abortion nurse who witnessed and described the method performed on a 26-week unborn baby and who testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Remember there are those running for office now who want to bring this and even later “up until birth procedure” back and call this healthcare. Additionally, these leaders want unfettered access for all at the cost of your tax dollars. The cost to society is unconscionable. The fallout to women’s mental health and the loss of future generations is unmeasurable. Worldwide, 73 million lives are lost to abortion. That is twice the state of California’s population. 

   “ ‘Dr. Haskell went in with forceps and grabbed the baby’s legs and pulled them down into the birth canal. Then he delivered the baby’s body and the arms—everything but the head. The doctor kept the head right inside the uterus… .

   “ ‘The baby’s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the baby’s arms jerked out, like a startle reaction, like a flinch, like a baby does when he thinks he is going to fall.

   “ ‘The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening, and sucked the baby’s brains out. Now the baby went completely limp… .

   “ ‘He cut the umbilical cord and delivered the placenta. He threw the baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he had just used.’ ” Ibid.

Do yourself a favor and inform yourself by reading both the opinion and the dissent. It will not only equip your own understanding of this important topic, but it will help you properly inform others. Once you know what is at stake, not only for our country but humanity itself, you will be unapologetically pro life. Please vote for truth, life, liberty and justice for all. 

Written by David Alexander of Indianola


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